Bridal Diet Suggestions for Glowing Skin
5 bridal diets to get glowing skin tips with a list of recommended foods will help you look most radiant during the wedding day. And another 6 tips will also work magically.
Getting engaged is often one of the most motivating factors for soon to be brides to lose weight. You surely want to fit into the perfect dress, look stunning in the wedding photos and feel comfortable and confident standing in front of all your friends and family. Not to mention wanting to look amazing during your honeymoon. So what are you waiting for?! This wedding weight loss plan will help worry less about how you look and instead have you enjoy yourself more on your wedding day.
Water will help cleanse your body from toxins and help reduce the chances of snacking throughout the day. Replace your soda with a glass of water for a healthier alternative. The general rule is to try and consume eight glasses a day but it really depends on your weight. Drinking half your bodyweight in ounces of water is recommended. To help add some flavor, slices up some lemons, limes or other fresh fruits and consider using a filtered water pitcher which tends to provide better tasting water.
When you fill you plate up, you are more likely to over eat and consume more calories than necessary. Instead, start off with a small serving. Try to eat four to five smaller meals throughout the day instead of just three large meals. Keep healthy snack on you to eliminate temptation of unhealthy snaking.
Keeping fresh fruits and veggies in reach will help you refrain from snacking on unhealthy foods. Eating more fruits and veggies will also keep you fuller which will reduce your urge for snacking. Prepare a variety of exotic fruits to take in your bag while you are running errands. As you will most likely be cutting back on your calorie intake, consider taking a multivitamin. When your body does not get enough of certain vitamins you are more likely to reach for unhealthy foods and snacks.
On average, just one alcoholic beverage can contain at least 150 calories. Cutting out alcohol from your diet can cut out hundreds of useless calories. Skip out on drinking alcohol until the big day. If this seems to be a difficult challenge for your wedding weight loss plan because of work parties or other festivities you will be attending, choose an alternate non-alcoholic beverage.
You do not have to commit to an hour long workout, just 20 minutes can do wonders to help give you an energy boost and burn hundreds of calories. Consider walking instead of jumping, or take the stairs or do a few laps around the mall while you window shop. If you really want to trim down, then aim to do at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise like running, swimming or cycling, 3 or 4 times a week.
Keeping yourself accountable and having someone to motivate you will increase your chances of success. Let others in on your weight loss and fitness goals so you can turn to them for support when you need it. Connect with other people who also have similar goals, so you reach out for additional tips and encouragement to get going.
While your schedule may be filled with a number of to-dos, you need to take extra efforts to ensure you get plenty of sleep. Not getting enough sleep can increase cravings, resulting in poor food choices. Try to be consistent with the amount of sleep you get, which should be around eight hours a night.
Excess stress can have a number of negative effects on your health and can hinder your wedding weight loss plan if you tend to emotionally eat. Exercise is a great way to help reduce your stress but also make sure you are getting a little rest and relaxation in your day. Practice quick breathing techniques to also help you reduce stress.
Many brides have taken on the challenge of losing weight to feel and look better on their wedding day. These are some additional tips from brides who successfully stuck to a weight loss plan to reach their wedding day goals.
“I was able to lose a total of 15 lbs. by my wedding day by making a simple adjustment in my sugar intake. Instead of adding packets of sugar to my coffee, I switched to a sugar substitute about 6 months before the wedding. It was a small and simple change that made all the difference in reaching my weight loss goal.”
“Keeping track of my weekly diet and fitness accomplishments helped me stay committed to my weight loss goals. Each day I had specific exercises to complete and a healthy meal plan to follow. When I completed these I would check off boxes in the chart I made. I quickly saw a direct relation to the number of boxes I checked off each week to how many pounds I ended up losing. I also kept myself accountable by having to sign off on my goals for the week with a coworker.”
“I knew that I would not be able to motivate myself to go to the gym to get any workouts, so I joined a recreational soccer league as part of my wedding weight loss plan. Playing the game or going to practices never seemed like a chore, as it often did when going to the gym, because it was just fun. I was able to lose 34 pounds and saw a huge improvement in my metabolism as well.”