What to Include on a Save the Date


You can't wait to send them out, but do you have everything on the save the date cards that your guests need? Before your mail them off, you will want to give your save the date cards one final look over, making sure you have included all things needed on a save the date card.

What to Include on a Save the Date

Request language

The request is drawing attention to the date you want your guests to mark on their calendars. The language you use can range from formal to informal.


If you want to keep things traditional and formal, then you can use your full name, first, middle and last names. If you are planning a casual wedding, then it is perfectly fine to use just your first and last names.


There are a number of ways you can write the date on your save the date cards and you can also include the day of the week the wedding will fall on. You can write out the whole month or keep it fun by using the numerical version.


You want to include where the ceremony will be taking place on the save the dates cards. You should always write out the full city and state and avoid abbreviations. The reception location does not have to be included, as this will be stated on the invitations.

Invitation to follow

You want to make sure you guest know they can expect an invitation at a later date, which will include additional information. This is often a forgotten inclusion for what to include on a save the date card but will encourage your guest to be on the lookout for an actual invitation.

Your wedding website

Creating a wedding website is a great way to keep your guests informed about all the wedding information they will need. If you have a website already created, you will want to include this on your save the date cards. This will reduce the number of phone calls you get while providing a convenient place for them to go to if they misplace the invitation

A personal touch

Most couples will include a cute photo of themselves on the save the date card but you can add anything that perfectly portrays your personalities. A short poem, some illustrations or artwork are all great additions you can have printed on your save the date cards.

Return address

While you may not think this is an important detail to include on your save the date postcards, you will want to put it on there. It is not likely that all your cards will reach the intended destination and with a return address you at least have a better chance of having them returned to you.

Other details

If you plan on having a number of out of town guests attending or you are hosting a destination wedding, there are a few additional detail to consider. You will want to give them information about nearby airports, lodging options and transportation options to get to and from the airport. Your guest will greatly appreciate having a few numbers or website to begin searching through to start making the necessary arrangements.

Some Examples

While it may seem like a lot of information to include on the save the date, don't fret. To help you get some inspiration of how to word what to include on a save the date card, here are some samples.

Formal Wording Sample 1

Reserve this date

Your presence is requested at the wedding of





City, State

Invitation will follow

Formal Wording Sample 2

Please Save the Date


For the wedding of






Invitation to follow

Fun Wording Sample 3

It's written in the stars

That they were meant to be…

So write it on your calendar

There's going to be a party!

Save the DATE:

For the marriage of:



Invitation and details to follow!

More Questions About Save the Date


While it can be a great idea to give your guest the option to RSVP in advance, this can also come with some drawbacks. Some of your guests may take advantage of this additional timeframe to RSVP and end up forgetting altogether.

Registry Information?

Include the registry information is not really the best etiquette for save the date cards. You can, however, put your registry on your wedding website, and your wedding website can go on the save the dates!

Card Alternatives?

Your save the dates do not have to be on the traditional postcards, they can be on just about anything. A chocolate bar, magnets, photographer or even sending out a creative graphic email are all great alternatives to save the date cards.